How to reduce creatinine level | high creatinine | lower creatinine | Kidney Treatment in ayurveda

2019-02-19 73

#Creatinine is a blood chemical waste product, when you use your muscles it transmit bloodstream creatinine to kidneys where your body push urine outside. But when your kidney stopped performing their function properly then creatinine level start increasing in your body which can cause uremia.

#LowerCreatinine #KidneyTreatment

Your body need pure blood to perform well, In this video we will tell some natural options to lower creatinine level.
1. Avoid High weight exercise:- Exercise is a good habit but due to high weight exercise increase your creatinine level because muscle metabolism increase creatinine .
2. Don’t use creatine supplement:- Creatine is a natural compound in your body. It is available in your muscles which are used in energy that why if you intake creatine supplement so it will transmit waste material in your muscles.
3. Intake Low Protein:- As per research, intake of protein increase creatinine level for temporary period. Cooked red meat impact on your creatinine level because creatine is available in red meat which increase your creatinine level.
4. Intake More Fiber Products:- In one research it is proved that if chronic kidney disease patient intake more fiber then their creatinine will starting getting low. Fiber is available in many products like Fruits, Vegetables, whole grains and beans.
5. Consult Doctor for Quantity of Liquid :- Dehydration will increase creatinine, patients who are suffering from creatinine problem should consult doctors for the quantity level.
6. Intake Chitosan supplements:- Chitosan is a dietary supplement which is use for weight loose or lower cholesterol .
7. Intake Salvia:- In China, patients in kidney failure use salvia and in some research it is approved it also approved creatinine level.